Crick Primary School


At Crick, we believe all pupils should have access to a broad, balanced, rich and deep curriculum, with enhanced experiences and equal opportunities. At our school, we have tailored our curriculum to the needs of our pupils, by consulting with all stakeholders. This has helped us to identify four key principles that drive our curriculum (curriculum drivers). We have designed our curriculum to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop these principles, to enable them to take their place in society. Our curriculum is planned, and designed, to meet the needs of all our pupils, who come from a range of backgrounds, and bring with them a wealth of different experiences. 

Our curriculum is planned, and designed, to incorporate the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, which can be found by clicking here. It is enhanced by different opportunities and experiences, bespoke to our pupils' needs and their identified barriers to learning.  Our four key drivers thread throughout the curriculum, ensuring our values are embedded.

Key knowledge and skills are built upon year on year. Each year groups' allocated skills can be found in our progression in skills documentation. We want our pupils to make meaningful links within their learning. This key knowledge, and these skills, are delivered through a carefully planned sequence of lessons, building on prior knowledge and having a good understanding of what we want pupils to know at the end of the teaching sequence.