Crick Primary School

Aims & Values


Our School Vision:

At Crick Primary school, we endeavor to raise standards by providing pupils with a learning environment that allows them to be curious, resilient and ambitious. Kindness, equality and well-being are at the heart of all that we do in order for our pupils to respect themselves, others and the environment.


Our School Aims:

At Crick we:

  • Ensure pupil’s learning and well-being are at the heart of everything we do
  • Provide a happy, safe and secure environment, which enables pupils to thrive
  • Set ourselves challenging goals, be our best, know our strengths and celebrate our efforts and achievements
  • Take the time to listen to each other’s feelings and opinions
  • Encourage respect and tolerance in all aspects of life
  • Build on prior knowledge by providing a broad and balanced curriculum that combines excellence in teaching with enjoyment of learning
  • Encourage and praise achievement, positive behaviour and honesty and expect everyone to take responsibility for their own actions
  • Provide equality of opportunity for all pupils and develop their confidence and positive self-image
  • Encourage pupils to think for themselves, accept challenges and persevere
  • Foster enquiring minds and a love of learning, with the ability to question, choose, evaluate and discuss rationally
  • Value the relationship we have with parents, carers, families, governors and the wider community

As staff and governors, we want every child in our care to enjoy their time in Crick Primary School and hope you enjoy browsing our website. If you require any information not available on this website or you would like to visit our school, please feel free to contact the school office.


Autumn Term 1

Values Winners 

Spring Term 2

Values Winners

Autumn  Term 2

Values Winners 

Spring Term 2

Values Winners

Spring Term 1

Values Winners 

Summer Term2 

Values Winner