Crick Primary School

Home School Agreement




A successful education for your child depends on a positive partnership between home and school.  The home school agreement represents the shared commitment of the school, parents/carers and pupils in order to achieve that success. Click here to download a copy of our Home-School Agreement.

Crick Primary School will...

  • Promote high standards of behaviour to ensure a safe and caring environment where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum of the highest quality and meet the individual needs of every child.
  • Encourage pupils to do their best at all times.
  • Develop positive values and a caring attitude towards
  • the school community and the environment.
  • Monitor the progress of children and provide advice and guidance to support their work.
  • Provide a termly curriculum framework to enable parents/carers to support their child at home.
  • Arrange parents’/carers’ evenings bi-annually.
  • Be welcoming and offer opportunities for parents/carers
  • to become involved in the daily life of the school.
  • Let parents/carers know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour.
  • Keep parents/carers informed about school activities through regular newsletters and notices of special events.
  • Arrange an Induction Evening for the parents/carers of pupils entering the Reception class.
  • Encourage children to have a healthy lifestyle.
  • Operate an ‘open-door’ policy where parents/carers are welcome in school and offer opportunities for parents/carers to become involved in the daily life of the school.


Parents/ Cares I/we will...

  • Ensure my child attends school regularly, is punctual and properly equipped to learn and provide an explanation if my child is absent.
  • Support the school to make sure my child my child maintains good behaviour.
  • Support my child by taking an active interest in their learning and progress.
  • Ensure that my child wears the correct school uniform and wears their PE kit to school when required.
  • Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • Attend parents’/carers’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
  • Support my child to ensure homework is completed and returned on time.
  • Not take family holidays during term time.
  • Supply the school with full and accurate personal information about our child in order to enable records to be kept up-dated.
  • Refrain from using social media to air any issues or concerns I/we may have with Crick Primary School and to contact the Headteacher in the first instance.
  • Work in partnership with the school.
  • Treat all members of the school community with respect and politeness.

As a pupil I will...

  • Come to school regularly and arrive on time.
  • Wear the correct school uniform, by following the school dress code.
  • Bring the equipment I need every day, including my P.E kit, reading record and book bag.
  • Have high expectations of myself and try my best to learn.
  • Take responsibility for myself and my actions.
  • Behave well and be polite, friendly and helpful to others at all times.
  • Take good care of the school equipment and school environment.
  • Show respect for other people and their belongings.
  • Follow the school and class rules.
  • Follow the school’s values.
  • Follow instructions given to me by any member of staff.
  • Do my homework regularly and return it to school on time.