Crick Primary School

Welcome to the Year 6 class page

 Class Teacher - Mrs Morris

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Channing

Things to Note:

  • This term, PE is on a Monday (swimming) and Wednesday (athletics), please ensure your child has outdoor PE kit for our Wednesday session.
  • Children can bring a healthy snack in from home to eat during morning playtime (fruit is preferable). 
  • Please help your children to learn their times tables. Remember to use TTRS! Click here for fun activities to support your child's times table learning.
  • If you would like to see a sample of the Year Six SAT papers click here 
  • See below for SATs information for parents and past papers

For our class read, this term, we will be reading When the Sky Falls by Phil Earle

 summer 2 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 summer 2 Topic web .pdfDownload
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 summer 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 summer 1 Topic web .pdfDownload
 Year 6 summer 1 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
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 February 2024 spring 2 Topic web .pdfDownload
 spring 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Year 6 spring 2 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
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 January 2024 spring 1 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 January 2024 spring 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 January 2024 spring 1 Topic web .pdfDownload
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 autumn 2 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 Topic web .pdfDownload
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 2023 Autumn 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2023 Autumn 1 Topic web .pdfDownload
 2023 Year 6 Autumn 1 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
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Summer 1: This term our topic is...

People, people everywhere - globalisation

5th July 2024

 This week saw us involved in transition day both in school and for those of us going to Guilsborough Academy and Quinton House, attending our Year 7 transitions days. In school, we continued with our swimming sessions and finished our field events for sports day. In art, those of us who were not on transition, continued our photomontage topic and produced amazing artwork using macro-photography of some humble fruits and vegetables; we loved using the different photo settings on the i-pads. What do you think of our artwork? We have also been rehearsing a lot this week and using the props to ensure our acting is on-point. 

28th June 2024

This week saw us continue to rehearse for our performance; we are enjoying learning all of the songs. Some of us went off to Guilsborough Academy for our DT transition day, where we made wooden pencil boxes; we had a great time. Those who stayed behind began to make periscopes, so we can prove how light travels in straight lines - they are massive as we are going to see if we can 'spy' on Year 5! We also finished off our history topic by learning about life in Britain during World War 2; we produced fabulous 2-page spreads to show our learning.

21st June 2024

This week, we went to the Big Bang Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. We had an amazing time watching the Medical Mavericks, and looking around the interactive exhibits: our favourites were the Discover Materials stand, the BBC green screen and the entomoligists stand. Some of then went to the KS2 Quadkids competition, where we finished 7th out of 20 schools (amazing result!) and to finish the week we had our parents and carers in for our open morning! Busy, busy, busy!

14th June 2024

This week we started rehearsing for our production 'School-o-vision'; some of us have a lot of lines to learn! Mr Garfield came to teach us music; we will be composing our own Year 6 leavers song - this should be fun! Some of us had visits from our new Year 7 schools; we learnt a lot and were able to ask questions about our new schools. We also started our new computing unit and we will be using micro-bits to program step counters. Oh and the best bit of the week - our leavers hoodies arrived!

7th June 2024

 Wow! What an brilliant start to our final term. Our residential was fabulous! We had a fabulous time at St Briavel's castle learning all about the castle as well as learning archery, fencing, campfire songs and other shenanigans! On Tuesday we spent the day canoeing on the River Wye, which was an amazing experience. On Thursday, we learnt about D-Day through various activities celebrating the 80th anniversary of this monumentous part of our history. On Friday, our girls' rugby squad had a super day learning rugby skills, how to play and various other activities. The best part of the day was having photographs with the Northampton Saints players and seeing them off on their bus to Twickenham for the Gallagher Premiership final. What a week!

Summer 1: This term our topic is...

World War I and World War II

10th May 2024

This week we have continued our learning about evolution in science: this week we learnt about inheritance and genetics. In history we continued our learning about World War 2 focusing on 'Hitler's rise to power' - the children are all very interested in this topic. We have been finishing off our learning about shape - specifically angles; all of the children have shown super understanding. On Friday we had a SPaG hunt around school and finished off the day with some 'mindful walking' to support us in times of anxiety or stress. We are looking forward to our SATs breakfast on Monday, but mostly the 'Fast Food Friday' lunch!

3rd May 2024

This week we began our writing on our focus story 'Rose Blanche', the children wrote a letter to Grandma and diary entries in role as Rose. The children  dramatised the beginning of the story to enable them to use appropriate emotive language; the writing was great to read. We have been practicing our May Day dances and they are looking fabulous! We had Kate in this week to teach us basic First Aid and CPR; we enjoyed learning about this, but also respected the importance of being able to help people in need. We also went to Church as part of our RE learning. The kind volunteers at St Margaret's Church told us all about the different areas of the Church and the roles everyone plays.

26th April 2024

For Earth Day, we took part in a webinar on sustainable transport; the children were very interested and came up with some super sustainable transport ideas. We are extremely proud of our Year 6 cross-country athletes, who took part in the Daventry cross-country event; the children had some brilliant personal results. We began our new writing topic, using the story 'Rose Blanche', which will produce some super writing from the children and links to our WW2 topic.

19th April 2024

We have had a busy first week back and made a start on our May Day dancing. The pupils are looking forward to the whole May Day celebration and those who wish to be considered for May Queen and Herald, are busy writing their speeches to deliver to the school on Monday 29th April during our assembly. We completed our RE topic on Humanism - this has been a very interesting topic for the pupils and they have taken part in some interesting activities. We started out Kwik-cricket sessions with catching practice, which is always fun! The Year 6 fundraising is going very well and the pupils have been involved in some great sponsorship activities - well done to everyone who has taken part so far.

Spring 2: This term our topic is...

World War I and World War II

8th March 2024

This week as it was World Book Day Thursday, we read fairy stories and wrote our own with a twist. We were inspired by watching Michael Rosen create a twist on The Three Little Pigs. We hope to share our stories with KS1 and Reception at some point. Mrs Faupel bought each class 50 (yes 50) new books, which we were very excited to look at and some of us have chosen them as our reading books. In PE, we continued to develop our hockey skills, which we are really enjoying. We have now moved onto learning about decimal numbers in maths, which has been a little tricky thinking about tenths, hundredths and thousandths!

1st March 2024

This week we took part in an evolution workshop exploring horse hoof fossils and thinking about how and why horses hooves have adapted to their environment. We also began our topic on WW1, learning how WW1 started. We were visited by Simon from West Northamptonshire, who came in to talk about how we can keep ourselves safe online.


Autumn term: This term our topic is ...

People, People, Everywhere...

9th February 2024

 We had another busy week - we learnt about being happy in our RE session about Humanism, and as it was Mental Health week we took part in lots of different activities to highlight how important it is to be aware of our own mental health. We learnt to play a 'funky fugue' on the glockenspiels in music as part of our Baroque unit. Mrs Morris was away at Everdon with Year 4 and so we had Mrs Williams teaching us all about the digital world through our DT unit - we had to write a design brief from information submitted by a client, develop design criteria to fulfil the client’s request, develop a product idea through annotated sketches and create a model of our design using Tinkercad. We had a lot of fun and learnt a lot about using Microbit technology.

2nd February 2024

This week we were visited by Pamela from Life Education who talked to us about how to stay safe as we grow up, we also had a very interesting Relationships and Sex Education session with her where we learnt a lot about growing up and the changes we will experience as we change from children into adolescents. We started designing our Steady Hand Games using our knowledge from our science lessons about electricity. We will finish these after half-term. We took part in a live science lesson all about Sharks and their different adaptations - Steve Backshall knows a lot about sharks! It was NSPCC Number Day on Friday and we created tessellations in the style of M C Escher, which was fun. In computing we learnt how to change the variables on existing games using Scratch.

26th January 2024

Last week, we learnt about enlargements and similar shapes and used our ratio knowledge to solve problems. In English, we gathered our ideas for our letter home, writing as Stanley Yelnats. In science, we began thinking about the different adaptations living things have made in order to survive in our changing world. In Geography, Miss Webster taught us about the population of the UK. In computing, we continued our learning about variables and changing them using Scratch. We began our new unit in RE on Humanism, learning about Humanists and why they think humans are special.

19th January 2024

In science this week, we completed our unit on electricity by finding out about non-renewable and renewable energy. We began our new computing unit abt programming using Scratch - we had a lot of fun applying our previous knowledge before learning about variables in gaming. We began our learning about ratio, in mathematics, and we found this a fun concept; we are feeling quite successful! We completed our RE topic on Buddhism and learnt about life in a Buddhist monastery.

12th January 2024

Last week, we finished our maths work on fractions and began reading Holes. We have talked about the setting and are writing a persuasive leaflet about Camp Green Lake. Some of us went to Birmingham to take part in Young Voices. We finished our computing unit on 3D modelling and learnt about french verbs. In geography, we learnt about ageing populations around the world and in science we created a question to test our electricity understanding.


Autumn 2 term round-up

We had a busy term and are extremely proud of how the class rose to the academic challenges we put in front of them. As well as the academic side to the term, we have had many other school activities to take part in. At the beginning of the term, we hosted two trainee teachers from Northampton University. The pupils welcomed them and treated them with respect and kindness, ensuring their first placement was a successful one. During the term, some of our pupils continued their class roles as 'tour guides' for prospective new Reception parents, showing off and talking about our school with pride and enthusiasm. Early in the term, we took part in Anti-bullying week, the pupils enjoyed the activities, demonstrating a good understanding of bullying and the impact it can have, empathising with the characters in the videos. Our House captains, have been given another role as our Rights Respecting School steering group and they have been busy identifying links to the articles and the class charters - they will be supporting Mrs Morris with the RRS assemblies going forwards. Some of the pupils represented the school in sporting events: the district cross-country and Year 5/6 sportshall athletics competitions, as usual the athletes behaviour was impeccable and they demonstrated the sporting values, acting as perfect role models for the rest of the school. Some of the class took part in a Steven Lawrence workshop hosted by Rugby Free-school pupils. They acted in a mature and responsible manner, finding about who he was and discussing the issue of racism. Towards the end of the term, some of our class demonstrated their prowess during the Rocksteady concert and we are proud of the progress they have made so far this year.  We also held our first open morning of the academic year; the parents and carers were suitably challenged by the fractions problem solving activities whilst the pupils were able to work together to successfully complete at least one problem demonstrating their reasoning and problem solving skills. At the end of a busy term, we had our Christmas dinner, pantomime, FoCS Christmas disco, Christmas jumper day and our annual Christingle service. We are extremely proud of all the Year 6 pupils who each read brilliantly in church, and their mature approach to having lit candles in their Christingles. Please remember to check our Twitter (X) feed as we post our activities weekly. We wish you all a happy new year!

Week ending Friday 10th November

On Monday, we did sportshall athletics (in groups for PE). On Tuesday, we did fractions for our amazing maths lesson . On Wednesday, we did gymnastics for PE and we did balances on each other's backs. On Thursday, we had a diabetes assembly and on Friday we wore blue cloths for Diabetes Awareness month. By Harriet and Isla.

We had a Remembrance theme to our art and our writing. In art, we analysed 'Gassed' by John Singer Sargent. We then dramatised the piece. The pupils showed great compassion and empathy. In our writing on Friday, the pupils studied a dramatisation of the 'Christmas Truce'. They then wrote letters home in role as one of the soldiers.

Week ending Friday 3rd November

This week, we learnt about Buddhist festivals and made our own Wessak lanterns. We took our learning outdoors on Thursday to celebrate Outdoor Learning Day, and were inspired to write our performance poems. In our Real Gym session, we consolidated our 'trickier' partner balances.

Week ending Friday 6th October

We had a busy week. On Tuesday we went to Millennium wood for Forest School; some of us learnt how to use the sheath knives and whittled some green wood into pegs and spears. We also made dens and made paint from blackberries. On Wednesday, we were visited by the Northamptonshire magistrates. We had a 'mock' trial and many of us acted in role as the characters in the trial; the accused, the victim, the defense, the prosecutor, the usher, the magistrates and various witnesses. It was fun, but we learnt a lot about British law. We also did a science investigation to prove that yeast was a living thing.

Autumn term: This term our topic is ...

 Medieval Monarchs

Fantastic resources to support learning and homework activities

  • Nrich fun maths challenges to deepen mathematical understanding.
  • Scratch - programming website we sometimes use in class. Great fun, using blocks to code.
  • Regenerators Climate Detectives Why is our planet getting hotter? Help Agent Sustain and Agent Able to crack the case.
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