Crick Primary School


Mrs King is our class teacher.

 Our teaching assistant is Mrs Plumridge. 

Things to note:

  • PE is on Tuesdays. On PE days please send your child into school in their PE kit. PE may be inside or outside, so please dress for the weather! If your child has long hair, please tie this up on PE days and remove earrings.
  • This half term we are going to Forest School on a Thursday. Please make sure your child is dressed in warm, long clothes and a warm coat. As it gets colder, please also send hats, scarves and gloves. Make sure your child has spare clothes in case they get dirty or wet. 
  • The children have the opportunity to read in school every day so please make sure their books and reading diaries are in school every day. If your child needs their book changing please encourage them to put their books in the 'to be changed tray' (red) first thing in the morning.  
  • Water bottles should be brought to school daily. Please make sure these are named.  
  • Please make sure all coats, jumpers and bags are named.
  • A healthy snack can be sent in for playtime. We also provide fresh fruit as a snack in the afternoons. 

Autumn 2 2024

 Year 1 Autumn 2 Homework Grid.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Autumn 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Autumn 2 Topic Web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Geography - Messy Maps of the Classroom

DT Windmills

Autumn 1 2024

 Year 1 Autumn 1 Homework Grid.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Autumn 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Autumn 1 Topic Web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Maths - learning how to use part whole models

Computing - Drawing using a mouse

Diwali Activities

Year 1 Common Exception Words

Below is a list of words we will be learning to spell and read in year 1. Most of them are words that cannot easily be decoded by sounding out. 

Here are some great websites you can use at home 

    • Phonics Play - Some great phonic based games to play.
    • Phonics bloom - More great phonics games to play. 
    • NewsroundThe home of news and fun facts for kids.  

    • Top marks - English and Maths games to play. Try the daily 10- quick arithmetic skills. How quick can you get? 
    • Oxford Owl - This is a great website where you can read books online - for your child to read or to read together. 
    • Cbeebies bedtime stories - Lovely bedtime stories read by lots of different people!
    • Storyline online - Lots of stories for you to listen to with your child. 
    • Numberblocks - an animated show exploring numbers in lots of different ways!
    • Alphablocks on the BBC - Great short shows practicing different phonics sounds, great for practicing blending.
    • Once upon a pictureSome great images to promote discussion, role play and lots of suggested literacy activities! 
    • BBC Supermovers - number songs and dances
    • Go Noodle - fun fitness videos 
    • Read, Write, Inc- useful phonics information and guidance. This is the programme our school follows for phonics.                                         


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