Year 3
Mrs Miles is our class teacher.
Miss Godden, Miss Gibson and Mrs Montgomery are our teaching assistants.
Please help your child to set up their TT Rockstar name.
TT Rockstars logins have been glued into Reading Records, they are the same as the Numbots logins.
Welcome back to the Autumn Term
Our PE days this half term are Wednesdays and Fridays. PE will start week beginning 9th September.
Homework - You will have a grid of activities based on our topic sent home via email at the beginning of each half term. Two topic based tasks from the grid should be completed at some point during each half term, but you can always do more if you want to!
Reading - Please continue to read with your child and ensure children have their reading books and reading records in school every day. Please use the reading comprehension bookmark sent home to ask your child questions about what they are reading. Children are encourage to read at home and take part in our home reading challenge.
Times Tables - The government expectation is that all Year 3 children know all their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Although we support this through our learning in school, home practice is vital. TT Rockstars logins have been glued into Reading Records, they are the same as the Numbots logins.
Spellings - Spellings will be given to the children on Monday morning to glue into Reading Records. Spelling recall is on a Friday.
Autumn 1
Fantastic resources to support learning and homework activities
Other online resources:
- Oxford Owl - digital reading books
- Maths ICT Games - games to practice a whole range of maths skills
- English ICT Games - games to practice a whole range of English skills
- Scratch - an app we use in computing to learn basic coding
- Top Marks - Fantastic games to help you with maths!
- Hit the Button: Great for practicing lots of different maths skills
- Crick Web: Some great games for spellings, grammar and punctuation