Crick Primary School

Crick Primary School's Governing Body (GB)


Welcome to the Governors’ information page

(Our Chair of Governors enjoying Forest School) 

The Governing Body (GB) was reconstituted under the School Governance (Constitution, England) in July 2017, and consists of twelve members. Staff and Parent governors are elected by their peers, Co-opted governors are appointed by the GB, and the Local Authority governor is appointed by Northamptonshire County Council. All governors have full voting rights on the board and on the sub committees they belong to, unless a conflict of interest has been declared.

Individuals performing a role within the governing body of Crick Primary School are shown below.

 Current Governing Body

Name Committee Governor Type Term of Office Start/End Relationship With Pupil/Staff Pen Portrait
Mrs Diane Boon Finance & Personnel

Vice Chair of Governors


25/11/2023-24/11/2027 None Click here
Mrs Karen Miles School Performance Staff 23/09/2024-22/09/2028 None Click here
Mr. Adam Treen   School Performance Parent 28/02/2024-27/02/2028 Yes - pupil Click here
Mrs Julia Paul  Finance and Personnel

Vice Chair of Governors


22/09/2024-21/09/2028 Yes - pupil Click here
Mrs Sarah -Jayne Martin


School Performance

Co-opted  24/05/2022-23/05/2026 Yes - pupil Click here
Mr. John Tull Finance and Personnel

Chair of Governors


24/11/2020-23/11/2024 Yes - pupil and staff  Click here 
Mrs Emma Staniforth

School Performance

Finance and Personnel

Headteacher None

Mrs Diana Wright

Clerk to Governors Clerk to Governors 03/01/2023 None

Rev Graeme Anderson 

Finance and Personnel

Co-opted 12/03/2022-11/03/2026 None  Click here

Mrs Mimi Wincote

Finance and Personnel Co-opted 03/11/2022- 02/11/2026 None       Click here

Rev Jo Ognjanovic

School Performance  Co-opted 20/11/2024-19/11/2028 None          Click here


There are four full GB meetings a year. There are two sub committees which meet at least once per term and each governor sits on one or two. These sub committees work on behalf of the full GB and feedback information and recommendations for ratification.

Business Interests and Attendance

23-24 Gove Att Meeting

22-23 Gov Att Meeting

21-22 Gov Att Meeting

Finance & Personnel – this committee oversees all aspects of recruitment, staffing levels and performance.  It sets the policy for the school’s finance and closely monitors the school’s budget and spending. It also has responsibility for health and safety.

School Performance - this ensures that the statutory elements of the National Curriculum are being covered to the breadth and depth expected, through detailed monitoring of pupil progress and attainment. Governors make statistical comparisons to ensure that aspirational targets are set for our pupils and ensure strategies are in place to achieve them. Pupil Premium funding is carefully monitored to ensure spending has a direct, positive impact on the individual, entitled pupil. 

All governors are expected to be familiar with the school and its daily life, and to take on further specific roles on behalf of the GB. Governors regularly attend training sessions and briefings from Northamptonshire County Council and other bodies. We enjoy close links with other local schools’ governing bodies and share expertise and best practice. The GB sets the school’s ethos and values, and acts as a strategic critical friend to the school to ensure that decisions taken are in the best interest of the school’s children. We are not involved in the day to day running of the school.

General advice on becoming a governor can be found on this site;

 The Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors, Mrs D. Wright, in the school office;

01788 822633
