Crick Primary School

Reception Class


Mrs Brennan is our class teacher.

Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Warner are our teaching assistant. 


Please find some information below but if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us on the email addresses below and we will get back to you when we can. 

Mrs Brennan -


Things to note Dates for your diary


  • Children need a water bottle and a healthy snack every day  
  • Children need to have wellies in school, everyday. These can be left at school if this is more convenient for you.  
  • Children need a waterproof coat every day in school. 
  • Children will need to have sun cream applied prior to coming to school (weather dependent) 
  • Children will need a sun hat in school (weather dependent) 
  • PE is on a Monday and Wednesday . At the moment the children are required to come into school in their PE kit including a jumper as we will more than likely be outside for these sessions. 
  • Forest school is on a Tuesday morning.
  • Children will need to bring in their book bag, book and reading record into school every day


3rd June – Summer 2 term begins

19th June – Reception open morning

26th June – House activity

1st July – Transition day

4th July – Reception class assembly

10th July – Sports day

22nd July – Last day in school for children

23rd July – Training Day

24th July – Summer holidays


Summer 2

 Rain cloud experiement.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Topic web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

8th July 2024

We have had some sad news this week.....the Bog baby has gone missing!!!!!!!! The children have been working hard on making Missing posters to try and find them. Hopefully they will come back to us soon. 

We have also been using some of Year 1's resources in Maths to solve some mathematical problems - it was great fun pretending to be Year 1's! 

In the middle of the week we had a fabulous sports day! All the children did absolutely brilliantly and I am so proud of them all. 

This week we were also lucky enough to watch the Year 5 and 6 productions - it was amazing! 

Have a great weekend and enjoy the scarecrow festival - good luck to all those performing!

1st July 2024

This week we started off our week in Year 1 with Mrs King. We had a great time getting to know the Year 1 classroom and staff. We are now very excited to be in Year 1 in September. 


Back in reception we have been learning about the Bog Baby. We have been on the hunt for the Bog baby, learning a description using a text map so we can describe what he looks like. We have also been learning all about maps and directional language. 

This week we have carried on our learning about seasides but have been going back in time. We were shocked to learn about bathing machines, 'hockey pokey' ice cream and the swimsuits people worn in the past! This week we have also been preparing for sports day, adding up our athletic scores ready for the big day!  We have also been practising our class assembly - we can't wait to share this with you! 

17th June 2024

We have had a great week with our beach day! Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed it with the children. We had great fun making kiters, 

This week we had a fantastic beach morning for their open morning. We made sandcastles, went fishing, played bat and ball and Frisbee and created seaside art. Some of the children and adults played in the ice cream parlour – the prices were as high as at the real beach. We also made and flew our own kites! There was lots of smiles and laughter – a perfect day at the beach! Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came, we hope you had as much fun as we did!

Today we had a lovely sunny morning at the forest. We enjoyed pond dipping where we found some interesting creatures. We also had fun making dens, fairy houses and of course climbing trees. 

This week in English we have continued our learning on recounts, starting to write a recount of a beach day. In Maths we have been learning to share and group objects equally. 

We have also investigated which materials float and sink. We found out that paper and tissue both absorb water and sink, whereas wood and plastic float. 

10th June 2024

This week we have been learning all about seasides - wishing we had some warmth here! We have been looking at UK beaches, we have learnt that seasides are found on the coast. We looked at the countries in the United Kingdom and saw where we would find seasides. We then talked about all the things we like to do at the seaside. 

We have also been continuing our learning on recounts. We have created a recount about our morning and had a go at writing this using our skills. 

In Maths we have been learning about grouping and sharing objects into equal groups. 

We have also practised our athletics, ball skills and music skills over the week. We have also discussed baptisms in our RE session.

Today we had a lovely time at Forest School, using tools, climbing trees and making wands. 

3rd June 2024

What a great week back! This week we have been thinking about recounts in English. We have created a class text map of our trips to the forest every week. Check out the text map in the pictures and see if your child can retell it to you. 

In Maths, we have been learning about sharing. We know that each group has to have the same out in it to make sure we have shared fairly. 

We have also thought about where we live in Understanding the World. We then had a go at using a map of the school to find our way around. We also explored investigating which material are waterproof. 

In PSED we have been recapping how to look after our teeth and have discussed visiting the dentist regularly. 

IN PE, we have been practising controlling a ball and then practising some athletic skills before Sports Day. 

We had a fabulous time at forest School today, enjoying some sunshine. Some children were being ambition in making a shelter. They used their skills of knots to help them. Others enjoyed making fairy gardens and hiding in the LONG grass. 

Summer 1

 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Topic web.pdfDownload
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13th May 2024

At the end of last week we released the froglets and butterflies out into the wild. The children got to have one last close look at how they had changed over the last few weeks. We have loved watching and observing them. 

We have also started to learn a seasons poem, see if your child can retell the text map below of the 1st verse. We then used our observational skills to pick out nouns and adjectives in a picture - big words for Reception! We learn that a noun is "a person, place or thing" and adjective describe a noun. We saw 'yellow daffodils', 'fluffy lambs' and 'wiggly tadpoles'.

In Maths, we have been look at rotating shapes, positional language and then creating pictures using shapes. 

In Expressive Arts, we have been practising our folding skills to join together two pieces of paper. We made wiggly snakes using this technique. 

In Understanding the World, we have been learning about nocturnal animals. Today at Forest School we saw some badger set holes! We also practised our tool skills at Forest school and had great fun playing '1, 2, 3 Where are you?' in the long grass. Some children went in search of bugs - they found a lot and again used observational skills to describe them to me. 

We have also done LOTS of May Day dancing practise ready for Saturday! We are very excited to show you our dance!  

6th May 2024

It has been an exciting week for our caterpillars and tadpoles as they have grown into butterflies and froglets! We have loved watching the life cycle s and observing the changes daily.

This week we have been learning about The Hungry caterpillar. We have learnt the story using our text mapping skills and then had a go at writing some of the story using our sounds. I am so proud of how the children have progressed in their writing!

In Maths this week we have been solving now, next, then problems both for addition and subtraction using the 10's frames to help us. We then turned these into written calculation's. 

In Music we have been learning about tuned and untuned instruments. We then had a go at playing these instruments and creating a class performance. Next week we will have a go at composing and performing our own. 

Today we have had the most glorious time at Forest School! The weather was beautiful and the children loved exploring the woods, practicing their knot tying skills and using the tools safely to create Gods eye's. 

Fingers crossed this weather stays!

29th April 2024

This week we have been busy learning about frog and butterfly life cycles. We are very lucky to have both tadpoles and chrysalis in our class to watch and support our learning. The children have done some fabulous writing to tell the reader about the different stages of life. We have also carried on our learning about the "tadpole's promise" story. It has a very surprising ending. Ask you child about this. 

In Maths, we have been learning about numbers 11 - 19. These are tricky because the 1 is not a 1 its a 10. We have explored making these numbers using Numicon and 10's frame. We then matched some different representations to the correct numeral. 

In Art, we have been learning how to join different materials in different ways. The children then explored these different techniques in the art and craft area. 

In Forest School this week, we went to a new part of Jubilee Woods. We had great fun rolling down a bank, making dens and practising our secateurs and tying skills. 

We have also been holding a beat in music, doing some meditation for our mental health and learnt about how we can respect our world in PSED. 

We have ended this week with a fabulous visit to the star dome! It was hard to take some pictures in there but the children had a fabulous time with lots of "oooohs" and "aggghhs"

Have a fabulous long weekend!

15th April 2024

What a great start to the term with our trip to Warwick Castle! We had a fabulous day exploring the towers and rooms and seeing the birds of prey show! The children even got to meet Zog! The children did a great job at recounting our day and some incredible writing from this too. 

We also have caterpillars and tadpoles in our class to start our new learning all about life cycles. 

This week we have also learnt about 3D shapes and started some May Day dancing! 

Spring 2

Dragons, knights and princesses

 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 HWK - Kinetic letter family and rhymes.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Topic web.pdfDownload
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28th March 2024

Happy Easter!!!! We had a very exciting visitor today in Reception........

W/C 18th March 2024

We started the week comparing houses that we live in now and castles. We found out that life living in a castle was a lot different to how we live now! We added some facts to our text map for a fact page and then had a go at writing our facts using our sounds. 

In Maths we have been looking at ways to make 9 and 10. We have been using Numicon, part, part whole and tens frames to help find different ways. 

We have also created our designs and some of us have started sewing our bookmarks for DT. I am extremely impressed with the children's sewing skills. 

In PE, I was so proud of the children's skills in hockey over the last few weeks, we had a go at a mini hockey game this week. It was great fun and the children tried so hard to work as a team to pass before scoring!

This week, we also had a wonderful morning when you all came in to join us for some writing and making of Easter Bonnets. Thank you to all of you who came. I hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did. 

Tomorrow we are looking forward to some African dancing! 

W/C 11th March 2024

As it is Science week we started off the week seeing what would happen to a Gingerbread man if he got wet. We predicted and then investigated what would happen. We observed the gingerbread crumbling and dissolving into small pieces. 

At Forest School, the children showed fantastic resilience in the pouring rain! They had a great fun jumping in puddles, finding worms and making mud pies. 

This week, Bert came to visit us! We have been so excited to talk to him and learn all about castles. The children have loved making Bert feel happy in our classroom. We have also written some facts about Castles following the text map Bert gave us. 

In Maths we have been exploring finding ways to make 9 and 10 in different ways using the part, part whole method. 

In DT this week we have been sewing! WOW! the resilience and ambition has been fabulous. We had a test run this week ready to design and make our own bookmarks in the next couple of weeks. 

In PE, we have been learning some more hockey skills. We had a go at dribbling with the ball. I was incredibly impressed with the skills shown. 

To finish Science week, tomorrow we will go and look at all the Science Posters and investigations carried out in the school and will also have an Engineering story time. 

W/C 4th March 2024

We kick started the week with a walk around the village. We talked about the directions left, right and straight. As we walked we draw our own maps with key buildings to show where we went. We then had a great morning at Forest School - practsing using secateurs, going on stick journeys and jumping in LOTS of mud!!!!!! 

We have also still on the search for Bert! We have been thinking of questions we can ask him when we find him. In Maths we have been learning about time. We have been thinking about how long a minute is and the order of the week.  

In PE this week, we have continued our dancing skills and have started our new sport of Hockey! We know how to to gold a hockey stick and use it to pass a ball to a friend. 

And of course today has been WOLRD BOOK DAY! What a great day we have had! We have been incredibly lucky to have time to explore some new books, go on a book hunt, draw some characters using 'Drew with Rob' and share stories! 

W/C 26th February 2024

Welcome back! We have had a great week, kick starting the week back at Forest School! we had great fun splashing in puddles, getting stuck in mud and making dens. the children also started to learn how to use secateurs safely to cut think branches. Some of the children had a go at this and loved it. 

In class we have been busy learning about instructions. We had a go at ordering some instruction son making a jam sandwich and then today we had a letter from Nigel the Knight. He told us that a magical, friendly dragon had gone missing and he needed our help to catch him. Nigel sent us some instructions to learn and follow to try and catch Bert the dragon. Ask your child if they can read the text map to you and explain what we did. 

In Maths we have been comparing length and height. We have used cubes to measure how tall things are. We also used the big blocks to measure how tall we were. Ask your child how tall in blocks they were. 

In PE this term we are learning to dance. We had a great lesson learning standing shapes, floor shapes and transition movements. The children did a great job at creating a short routine using these to a piece of music. 

We have also practiced threading and weaving in preparation for us designing and sewing a bookmark over the term.

Have a lovely weekend!

Spring 1

Our Wonderful World

 Fisher family and window cleaner sheet.pdfDownload
 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Topic web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

W/C 12th February 2024

This week we started the week visiting the Wick's truck! It was so much fun climbing in the cab, seeing our friends from the drivers seat and discovering there was a bed inside! We have also continued our learning around Chinese New Year, having a lovely celebration with KS1. We made dragons in reception class, i hope you liked them. 

This week in English we have been rhyming! We know that rhyming words end in the same sound. We have had fun playing games with rhyming words as well as matching rhyming words. In Maths we have been using our subitsiing knowledge to add items without counting them all. The children then created part part whole models to show their thinking. 

We also finished off our DT clay animals this week, evaluating our work. We have also recapped our learning from the term all about "Our Wonderful World". We have learnt lots and are excited to learn more next term. 

Have a fabulous half term break! 

W/C 5th February 2024

This week we have continued our learning on the story of The Rainbow Fish. We have had a go at writing the beginning and middle of the story using our sounds, finger spaces, capital letters. We have also been learning about Chinese New Year and Mental health week!

W/C 29th January 2024

This week we have continued our learning on the story of The Rainbow Fish. We have had a go at writing the beginning and middle of the story using our sounds, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Have a look at some of our fabulous writing below! 

In Maths, this week, we have been looking closely at the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We know that these can be represented in different ways. We had a go at finding the different ways and matching them to the correct numeral. 

In PE, we have continued our ball skills, linking to the sport of rugby. We have been focusing on our throwing and catching and pushing the ball to the ground to score a try. We have also concentrated on target throwing. 

In Understanding the World, we have been looking at what a seed needs to grow, carrying on from our learning last week of where food comes from. We have set up an investigation in the classroom to see what happens. We have one seed with water but no sunlight, one with water and sunlight, one with no water and sunlight and one with no water and no sunlight. We had a go at predicting which seed will grow. We have been keeping an eye on the seeds but nothing has happened yet! 

In Art, we have continued to make animal sculptures using some clay techniques. 

As well as all of this, we had a visit to the Life Education Tent, where we recapped and learnt how to stay healthy and happy! 

We are looking forward to Number Day tomorrow, where will be carrying out lots of fun Number activities.

W/C 22nd January 2024

This week we have been starting our learning about a new book....The Rainbow Fish! We have looked at the character of the Rainbow Fish and have started to use some adjectives and nouns to describe the way he looks. We also discussed how he felt throughout the story and why he felt this way. We then had a go at retelling the story using a text map. Have a look at the text map below and see if your child can retell the story to you. 

In Maths, we have continued our learning around mass. We have weighed different objects using cubes and the balancing scales to see which objects weighed the most and which ones weighed the least. Later on in the week we have moved our learning on to capacity to see how much a container holds. 

In Understanding the World, the children loved discussing where our food comes from. We had different recipes and food dishes which had the flags of countries they were from. We then matched these onto a world map and discussed how they would get to us. 

In PE, we have continued our learning about jumping in gymnastics. This week we jumped off of large apparatus in the style of a tuck jump, straight jump or star jump. The children also practised their ball skills in our outdoor PE lesson, throwing and catching accurately. We moved this learning on to throwing at a target. 

In Art, we have continued our learning around clay. The children are using their designs from last week to create their own sculpture this week. 

As well as all of this, the children participated in our House Spelling Bee! The Reception children did a fabulous job at standing up in front of the school, using their sounds to spell the words in their rounds. I was incredibly proud of all those that volunteered to participate. 

W/C 15th January 2024

This week we have started to write our new story for Handa's surprise. We have worked hard to use all our Set 1 sounds, red words, finger spaces and a full stop. We have also carried on our learning about hot and cold animals. This week in Understanding the World learning we have started to think about the way animals are grouped. We learnt that we are mammals because we have hair! 

In Maths, this week we have been using the whole, part, part model to show how we can split a number up. We have also started our learning of weighing using the balancing scales. We explored predicting and testing objects to see which were the heaviest and which were the lightest. 

In Art this week we have started to design an animal clay model. We drew our animal and next week will start to create these ready to paint. 

In PE we have been exploring jumping in gymnastics. We had a go at jumping from low apparatus using the shapes straight, star and tuck. In our outdoor lesson, we have been thinking about Rugby! We have been practicing our throwing and catching skills as well as placing the ball down in an area scoring a try. 

As well as all of this, the children have loved exploring the ice! They have been making puddles to see if it will freeze over night as well as breaking big pieces of ice up and talking about the shapes it has made. 

W/C 8th January 2024

We have had a great week in Reception. In English we have carried on our learning around the story of Handa's Surprise. We have learnt the story using a text map and then we changed the story by changing the animals and fruits. The children have loved looking at different animals this week and deciding whether they live in hot countries or cold countries. We discussed how they survive in the different heats. 

In Maths, we have been learning about more and less. We know that when we have more the number gets bigger and when we have less the number gets smaller. We had a go at finding 1 more and less using a number line and resources. 

In PSHE this week we carried on our learning around staying safe. We discussed what we can and can not put into our bodies. We had a good conversation around medicines and how an adult has to give us the right amount at the right time. 

In Art this week we explored clay! It was great fun, rolling, squishing, cutting, and making using this new material. In music, we were learning songs with actions. we discussed how this helps people especially deaf people enjoy a performance. From this we started to learn some Makaton. Please ask your children how to say good morning and good afternoon using the signs. 

Alongside all of that we enjoyed our new role play area of "explorers". 

W/C 1st January 2024

Welcome back! It has been a lovely couple of days back in school. The children have been fantastic and have been very excited to tell me all about their Christmas holidays. This week we have got straight back into our learning and have started our learning around the story of Handa's surprise. The children loved discussing where the story is set and how it looks different to where we live. We then practised our phonics in our reading and writing, labeling some fruits and animals from the story. Come children even made their own animal masks and fruit baskets in the arts and craft area. In Maths we have been learning about the numeral 0. We have been looking out for this in everything we have done. 

In understanding the world, we have been exploring maps! We looked at a map of crick and drew a route from school to the co op following the roads. The children have also been learning about what things are safe to put on our bodies in PSHE! All in all a brilliant couple of days back!

Autumn 2

 Autumn 2 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 Topic web.pdfDownload
 Homework - jumper family and abracadabra kinetic letters.docxDownload
 Homework - jumper family and abracadabra kinetic letters.pdfDownload
 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

W/C 30th October 2023

What a busy week back after half term! We have had great fun learning about The Three Billy Goats gruff. The children have learnt the story using the text map we made together. Ask your child to retell it to you using the image below. We have also been learning about Bonfire Night in our Understanding the World work. We then made some rockets, where the children had to decide how they were going to join the materials together. Some children chose sellotape and others chose glue. We also made some salt dough Halloween decorations have he painted them.

IN PSHE we have started a new theme of valuing differences. Therefore we kick started this by talking about what makes us special! 

In Maths we have been learning how to make number sup to three in different ways. we even started to write some calculations. 

And as always LOTS of reading!!! The children are making great progress in this and lots of books with words are starting to be taken home. This week your child will have also been sent home a letter about Numbots. Please do let your children play this as often as possible to help them with their Maths skills. 

We also introduced our new topic of "superheroes" to the children. We have a new role play area of the Superhero headquarters which the children have loved playing and exploring in. We have had lots of missions!

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the fireworks! 

Autumn 1

This term our topic is...

 Autumn 1 Class Newsletter update.pdfDownload
 Autumn 1 Topic web.pdfDownload
 Homework Menu.pdfDownload
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W/C 16th October 2023

This week we have continued our learning about Mr Big and found out that he was not a scary gorilla but was instead a misunderstood character. This week we have continued our learning of letter formation, practising our abracadabra family letters.  We have also had a go at writing a short phrase. 

In Maths, we have been learning about then numbers 1, 2 and 3. We can recognise these numerals and subitse objects to say how many are there without counting them.

In PE we carried on our gymnastic skills on the big apparatus and have practised our balancing skills by playing the game "popping pirates"

We have been learning about Diwali and how some people celebrate this festival. We compared this celebration to some festivals we celebrate. We will look at Diwali again after half term. 

We have also continued our learning about feelings, thinking about how we can help our friends when they feel sad or upset and how we can help ourselves when we feel this way too. 

Today we had a VERY wet forest school. The laughter and smiles were contagious! The children loved hiding in the shelters, splashing in puddles and singing in the rain. 

Tomorrow we are excited to make pumpkin soup to finish off the term. 

Please can I take this opportunity to thank you for all your support this term, especially with the green words at home. I hope the children have a fabulous half term. They have done an incredible first term in school but are defiantly read for a week off school. We look forward to seeing you all after half term!

W/C 9th October 2023

This week we have been learning about Mr Big and how he is a huge gorilla who feels very sad. We have been learning lots more sounds to read and write with Fred and Mr Big's help. The children have loved taking their learning from carpet time and having a go at new skills in their play! It has been fabulous to watch.

In PE we have been popping pirates, practising our balancing skills as well as elegant gymnasts on the BIG equipment - which was very exciting. The children did a brilliant job of practising their shapes while on the ropes or on the large climbing frame, holding them with strength and control. 

In Maths, we have been learning all about repeated patterns. The children then used loose parts to create patterns as well as continue some that were given to them. I was very impressed with their pattern making this week. 

In Understanding the World, we have been learning about where we live. We know that we live in Crick, which is in England and on planet Earth. The children enjoyed using street view on the Interactive Whiteboard to find familiar places in Crick. The children also liked using the globe to find out where they hade been on holiday and if this was in England or a different country. 

We have also been talking lots about our feelings and how to help someone who is feeling sad. The children are very good at this showing lots of kindness towards each other. 

And on top of all of that, we had lots of parents and grandparents joining us for our open morning! It was fantastic to see lots of you join us and I hope you had a great time learning with your children. 

Next week, brings us to parents evening where I look forward to telling you in person how fabulous your children are. Have a lovely weekend!

W/C 2nd October 2023

This week we have been learning about Little Red Riding Hood. We started off the week thinking about good and bad characters in lots of stories and then spent the rest of the week learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We used a text map to help us retell the story. Can your child retell the story using the picture below? We have also been learning lots more sounds and practising our green and red words. The children are doing brilliantly at this so thank you for all the practise you have done at home too! 

In Maths we have been learning all about capacity. We have been using the balancing scales to compare objects to see which are the heaviest and which are the lightest. 

We have also been learning about Autumn, we went on an Autumnal walk around the school field and found lots of different things that we could hear, see, smell and feel that let us know it is Autumn. The children also liked identifying these things at Forest School. They also loved exploring the woods by climbing trees, making dragon soup, climbing and bouncing on the compost heap, relaxing in the hammocks and searching for animals and plants. 

In Gymnastics this week we have been practising our shapes on the low apparatus, which was very fun. We have learnt how to get on and off the equipment safely as well as holding our shapes with control on the apparatus. 

We have also been learning how to stay safe when using technology. The children know that if they are feeling worried or something comes up on their computer/tablet they should tell an adult. The children have been practsting this while using the computer in our classroom. 

W/C 25th September 2023

This week we have done lots of learning around the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We have enjoyed retelling the story using puppets and discussing how the characters felt at different parts to the story. We have also enjoyed practising our gymnastic shapes in PE. We have learnt how to hold a star, tuck, straddle, straight and pike shape. We have also started to make short routine using these shapes. 

In Art we have been drawing to music. We listened to different pieces of music, discussed how it made us felt and then draw whatever we wanted to as the music played. In our music less we had a go at using different musical instruments to repeat back a phrase. We use a maraca, a triangle, as drum and some claves. 

In Forest School, we went to the woods! We had an amazing time exploring the woods, climbing trees, jumping and digging in the compost heap, playing games and making potions. 

We have also been learning lots of sounds and have been using "Fred talk" (segmenting to help us read CVC words. Please watch this video to help support your child in reading CVC words at home. 

W/C 18th September 2023

This week we have been learning all about Harvest. The children enjoyed learning the song "Big red combine harvester" and performing it with the whole school in their first assembly. Some children wanted to make all the engine parts to the combine harvester using playdough. We have also been practising our cutting skills making scarecrows and making a big combine harvester to go on display.

In phonics we have learnt lots of sounds and have started to segment and blend green words. In English we have been practising some movements ready for writing. In Maths, we have been comparing sets , seeing which sets match and which sets have the most and least number in them. 

We have also been practising our fine motor skills using tongs and having a go at typing our names on the computer. 

We had another fantastic Forest School this week on the field and were joined with the Year 6's which was great fun. We played lots of games and then made dens, potions and went on bug hunts. Next week we plan to go up to the woods! Yay! 

W/C 11th September 2023

What a brilliant start to school! The children have had a fabulous time first week in school, exploring the classroom and the school. They have started to learn about the school values, lots of house points have been awarded already. 

Here are just a few things we have been up to...

We have started to learn our sounds and sang lots of nursery rhymes in English. We have also started to learn the red words I and the. In Maths we have been starting to subitise numbers from 1 - 5. In PSHE we have been learning about our feelings. In Understanding the world we have been learning all about our bodies - the children could name lots of body parts, which was fabulous. In Art this week we have been learning to finger print and in PE we have been learning how to make shapes in gymnastics and how to move in different ways in Real PE. 

We also had a fabulous time at Forest School, starting to learn how to cross the roads safely, what our Forest School rules are and explore the school fields. The children were fantastic! 


On top of all of that we have made lots of friends!


First day in big school!

We had a great first day exploring our new classroom, playing with our friends and having a tour around the school. 

Look at your new classroom....

Please see the video below to help with your child's phonics;


Fantastic resources to support learning at home

Learning to read with phonics-watch information videos and hear how to say each sound

 Read, Write Inc - here you will find a series of information and tutorial videos explaining the basics of Read Write Inc-the phonics programme

Phonics Play -  a great website to play games to practise the sounds we have learnt in school 

Alphabet Song-We love this new take on an old classic-"A, B, C, D, E I'm in the jungle in a coconut tree". Listen to a song about the alphabet.

Purple Mash-an exciting and safe online environment where children can get involved in all sorts of creative projects to support their learning in Literacy, Maths, Science, ICT, History, Geography, RE, Art, Music, and Design and Technology.



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