Crick Primary School

Reception Class


Mrs Faupel and Mrs Usher are our class teachers.

Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Warner and Mrs Sewell are our teaching assistants. 


Please find some information below but if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us on the email addresses below and we will get back to you when we can. 

Mrs Faupel -                 Mrs Usher - 


Things to note Dates for your diary


  • Children need a water bottle and a healthy snack every day  
  • Children need to have wellies in school, everyday. These can be left at school if this is more convenient for you.  
  • Children need a waterproof coat every day in school. 
  • Children will need to have sun cream applied prior to coming to school (weather dependent) 
  • Children will need a sun hat in school (weather dependent) 
  • PE is on a Monday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit (including a jumper).
  • Forest school is on a Thursday morning. More details to follow about this. 
  • Children will need to bring in their book bag, book and reading record into school every day.

7th January – Spring 1 term starts for pupils

24th January – African dancing and drumming

28th/29th January – Life Education Bus visit

29th January – Chinese New Year

3rd February – Children’s mental health week

7th February – NSPCC Number Day

11th February – Safer internet day

11th February - Dragon dance workshop

14th February – Last day of school



Spring 2025

Please find the Newsletter and Topic Web attached below:

 Spring 1 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Topic web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Week beginning 3.2.25

NSPCC number day today was good fun! Thank you very much if you were able to donate. Please see photos below for some of the things we did. 

Week beginning 27.1.25

This week has been all about China! We found China on a map, had a go at some Chinese writing and learned how Chinese New Year is celebrated. 

In maths, we are exploring the composition of numbers to 10. In phonics, we are practicing the set 2 sounds. This week we have looked at ee, ay, igh and ow. 

Week beginning 20.1.25

Today we made the most of the windy day and we made kites! We had great fun making them and flying them, one even flew away over the nearby houses so if you see it in the village please return it! 

We also got to experience Africa dancing and drumming this afternoon, the dancing so much fun and we enjoyed listening to the older children drumming in assembly. 

Week beginning 13.1.25

Our first forest school at the woods! We couldn't be prouder of the children, they walked there and back without moaning and they listened carefully to all the safety instructions. At the woods, they had so much fun playing on the grass pile and in the trees. Well done reception, you were amazing!

Week beginning 6.1.25

What a fantastic start to the term we have had! The children have slotted straight back into the routines and their behaviour has been excellent! We have enjoyed reading and writing about Penguin by Polly Dunbar in drawing club and we loved using world maps to find out where penguins and other animals live. Today, we had great fun exploring and breaking up ice, weaving, creating winter pictures as well as drawing club, phonics, maths and singing. 

Autumn 2024

Please see below, this terms Newsletter and Topic Web:

 Autumn 2 Class Newsletter.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 Topic web.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Week beginning Monday 9th December 2024

This week has been all about glitter and play rehearsals! The children have been working hard to learn the dances and songs ready for the big performance next week. 

On Thursday, we had a school Christmas dinner. We made party hats, see below for some pictures. 

Week beginning Monday 2nd December 2024

This week we have loved watching and drawing and writing about Mr Benn. Despite the age of the cartoon, the children loved it. Our vocabulary this week was: liberate, capture, habitat, tearful, protect, shelter, release. Follow this link to watch the show!  Mr Benn

We have also explored the composition of 5 in different ways. 


Week beginning Monday 18th November 2024

The snow on Tuesday caused great excitement, and following on from that we had great fun with ice in the outdoor area. Our drawing club book this week was an old classic, The Giant Jam Sandwich. Ask your children to tell you about the wasps in the story. On Thursday we made our own jam sandwiches and put them together to make a giant jam sandwich! Today, we have made bird feeders for the birds. When we were outside we looked for birds and listened to the birds. We found out about some birds that live in Great Britain and some of us made bird masks.

We were also sorry to say goodbye our student, Miss Gillett today. She has been teaching us some lessons and helping us throughout the day. We wish Miss Gillett all the best for the future.

Another wonderful, busy week in reception!

Week beginning Monday 11th November 2024

This week has been great fun talking with the children about the jobs grown ups do. The children also had a think about what they would like to do when they grow up, we had so many ideas: mermaids, vets, bin men, doctors, superheroes, footballers, teachers and parents. At forest school, we played a game- Come into the giants house and see what you can see - I see a sofa! And the children had to make themselves into the item we said. It was quite funny!   

Week beginning Monday 4th November 2024

This week the children have loved tasting fruit and vegetables as pat of our DT lessons. We have also practiced our reading, working with a partner and woodland learning was lots of fun with witch's potions, crowns, leaves and a lot of MUD! 

Week beginning Monday 21st October 2024

Pumpkins, potions, pouring and pasta worms! Fun at forest school this morning.

Well done reception, you have completed your first half term at school! 

Week beginning Monday 14th October 2024

 This week's sounds: v y w z 

In drawing club this week we have LOVED watching this adventure from the past: Wacky Races! have a look at this link, it will make you giggle! After watching the clip, we practice some new vocabulary: accelerate, brake, hazard, chuckle, steering, demolish, overtake, transport. We do an action to go with each word. Then, we draw something about the story, for example, on Thursday we drew what prize we thought the race winner might get. Finally we write the code of the day. This code was w, v and 5 dots. When you press the code, the applause starts! The children love drawing club. Please see below for some examples of our work.    

Some other things we have been busy with: heaps of fun with bubbles, autumn art and we found a snail, examined its spiral shell and drew our own spirals and snails using chalks. 

Woodland learning - leaf fun!

Week beginning Monday 7th October 2024

This week's sounds: l h r j 

What a lovely sunny end to the week we have had! Forest school was great fun, we made lavender perfume, pierced holes in conkers and threaded them onto string, made leaf wolves and leaf rubbings. We also took the bikes out and worked together to help each other going round the track. In class this week some children made a pizza shop, some made a bridge and trip trapped over it to avoid the troll, we had car ramps to see how far the cars would go and we made 3D shapes with foam blocks. Plus a whole lot of other stuff too! 

Our drawing club story this week was the Three Billy Goats Gruff and in maths we have looked at the capacity of boxes and cups and had fun pouring cups of juice full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. 

Week beginning Monday 30th September 2024

This week's sounds: u b f e 

We had a fantastic sunny on the field this morning for forest school! The children had the challenge of pouring water along gutters, catching it at the other end and returning it to the start. They also did bark rubbings, explored the giant balance scales and we had a huge game of 1, 2, 3, where are you? (A bit like hide and seek.) 

Photos to follow soon!

Week beginning: Monday 23rd September 2024

This week's sounds: g o c k 

What a busy week we have had! In maths we have been comparing amounts, in understanding the world we looked at photos of Crick and discussed the village, in drawing club we read the book Not now, Bernard! and drew some amazing pictures and of course we have had plenty of opportunities to play! 

Woodland learning 20.09.24

This week we have learned the sounds: t i n p 

Friday 13th September 2024

 What a brilliant week! We have been painting, climbing, mixing, exploring, counting, building and so much more. 

This week we have learned the sounds: m a s d 

Our first week!

Supporting your child with phonics.

Please watch this short video to help with the pronunciation of sounds. This ensure consistency between home and school. It will show you how we pronounce each sound in school, you will find a copy of the sounds in a sound book that will becoming home with your child daily. 


Fantastic resources to support learning at home

Learning to read with phonics watch information videos and hear how to say each sound

 Phonics Play -  a great website to play games to practice the sounds we have learnt in school 

Alphabet Song-We love this new take on an old classic-"A, B, C, D, E I'm in the jungle in a coconut tree". Listen to a song about the alphabet.



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