Crick Primary School

 Year 5

Miss Webster is our class teacher.

Miss Davies is our teaching assistant.

Mrs Montgomery and Mrs Hall are our 1:1 teaching assistants.


Things to Note:

  • PE - Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays. PE may be inside or outside this term so please ensure children arrive at school dressed in their PE kit on PE days. 
  • Homework - You will have a grid of activities based on our topic sent home via email at the beginning of the half term. Two topic based tasks from the grid should be completed at some point during each half term, but you can always do more if you want to! 
  • Reading - Please continue to read with your child on a weekly basis and ensure children have their reading books and reading records in every day. Please use the reading comprehension bookmark sent home to ask your child questions about what they are reading. Children are encourage to read at home at least three times a week.
  • Times Tables - Times tables test will take place on a Friday, please ensure you continue to practice these. Although we support this through our learning in school as well as weekly tests, home practise is vital! 
  • Spellings - Spellings will be handed out on Mondays with tests taking place on a Friday, please support your child with practicing these.
  • Breaktime Snacks - Children can bring a healthy snack in from home to eat during morning playtime (fruit/vegetables are preferable).
 Year 5 Newsletter Autumn 1.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Autumn 1 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Autumn 1 Homework Grid.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Newsletter Autumn 2.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Autumn 2 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Autumn 2 Homework Grid.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Newsletter Spring 1.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Spring 1 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Spring 1 Homework Grid.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Newsletter Spring 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 18

Look at what we have been getting up to!

Week commencing 10th June

This week we have been busy with our school production and went on our class trip to the National Space Centre. We had a great time and enjoyed exploring the galleries, climbing the rocket tower and experiencing the planetarium.

Week commencing 3rd June

We've has a busy first week back after half term! We have been recording and evaluating for our video productions in computing and discovered how Freiburg became a sustainable city in geography. In English, we have written some great figurative poems. In science, we finally carried out our shadows experiment although it was cut short due to clouds. We also investigated the absorbency of nappies in order to answer the question 'Which nappy would you recommend?'

Week commencing 6th May

In English this week, we finished our story map innovations and have begun writing our hot tasks based on the story 'After the fall'. We have come up with some really creative ideas! We also started our geography unit, 'Energy and Sustainability', and completed our first lesson where we learnt about what sustainability is. In science, we carried out an experiment to see which materials were soluble and insoluble.

Week commencing 29th April

We have been continuing to practise our May Day dance and improve our bowling and fielding skills in Kwik cricket. We were also lucky enough to have an experience in the Star Dome this week. We learnt about different constellations as well as exploring the Solar System.

Week commencing 22nd April

This week, we started our new maths unit 'Shape' where we have been recapping angles and learning how to use a protractor. In English, we enjoyed completing some drama where we acted in role as different characters from the story 'After the fall' and then wrote some super news bursts.

Week commencing 15th April

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We have had a busy first week back! We started our new English unit this week where we will be completing work around the book 'After the fall' which is based on the story of Humpty Dumpty. We have also been practicing our May Day dance where we have had to show great resilience. In PSHE we have looked at money and discussed 'wants and needs' when it comes to spending our pocket money.

Week commencing 11th March

It's been a fun week in Year 5! We started our new art unit looking at architecture where we completed some great observational drawings of houses and played some excellent games of hockey in PE. As it was science week, we got to visit the science fair and take part in an NFU live lesson where we saw the birth of cows, linking nicely to our previous science unit. We also took part in a whole school dunking experiment, investigating which biscuit was the best to dunk in a cup of tea. We were extremely surprised with the results!

Week commencing 4th March

We have had a busy week this week in Year 5. We finished our computing unit where we created a code for a carrousel, took part in Mars hour and drew our favourite book covers on World Book Day. In history, we started our new unit 'Vikings and Anglo-Saxons' where we learnt about who the Vikings were. We also received 50 new books for our class which we have been excited to get stuck into.

Week commencing 26th February

We have had a fun first week back this week! We have participated in and art day, as well as a DT day. We started created a class rhyming poem following the AABB pattern, researched the life cycle of an animal to present as part of our final science lesson for 'Living things and their habitats' and were also joined by Year 4 to take part in an online safety workshop.

Week commencing 12th February

This week we were lucky to have a visit from 'Truck and Child' where we got the opportunity to get close to a truck in order to understand roadside visibility. On Tuesday, we had our last Forest School session where we got to have hot chocolate and popcorn cooked in the firepit. As well as this, we took part in a Dragon Dance Workshop in the afternoon. In English, we have been writing our hot tasks on our chosen settings and in maths we have learnt how to convert fractions to decimals.

Week commencing 5th February

We have had a busy week in Year 5 this week, with most of us taking part in Bikeability. We had a lot of fun learning how to safely ride our bikes on the road, passing our level 2 course (it was just a shame that we got a bit wet on the last day!). In English, we have completed our setting description warm writes in preparation for completing our hot tasks next week. We have also started our next unit in maths, decimals and percentages and recapped lifecycles in science. In computing, we have continued to look at coding in order to program Crumbles.

Week commencing 29th January

This week in maths, we continued to learn about multiplying and dividing fractions by finding fractions of an amount. In science, we recapped how plants reproduce, comparing this to what we know about animals. In geography, we completed our last lesson of our 'Biomes' topic, learning about how the different biomes are being preserved and protected, as well as deciding whether they are equally fragile. We also welcomed Pamela from Life Education who delivered engaging PSHE and RSE lessons. 

Week commencing 22nd January

This week in geography we have been learning about how the biomes are being damaged through human actions. In English we have innovated our box up are starting to write our own setting descriptions using the grammatical features we have been looking at. We have also had another great week at Forest School, exploring the woodland and developing new skills, as well as playing games of dodgeball in PE.

Week commencing 15th January

In maths this week, we have learnt how to complete short division, showing great resilience and ambition. We started our new art unit and began creating poem portraits. We created single line drawings of our faces, before using tracing paper to create a poem outline, writing words to describe us. We also had to create backgrounds using either watercolour paints or collage. In English, we have been learning how to use colons in our writing and in geography we learnt about the different flora and fauna that live in the tundra, taiga and grassland biomes.

Week commencing 8th January

This week in maths we have been working really hard to learn how to multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. We have started our new computing topic looking at programming and enjoyed working with Crumbles. In science, we also started our new unit 'Living things and their habitats' and revisited the seven life processes.

Week commencing 1st January

 We've had a fun few days back at school after Christmas! We spent Thursday finishing our DT project, creating pop-up books based on nursery rhymes, before creating information posters in science to answer the question 'What makes up our solar system?'.

Week commencing 4th December

 This week we started our geography unit on Biomes where we looked at the six major biomes. In English, we created spine poems on different animals and in maths we finished our first fractions unit, learning how to subtract mixed number fractions. We also had our open morning where we made Christmas decorations. Thank you to everyone who came!


Week commencing 27th November

We have had a busy week in English, writing our newspaper report hot tasks and then publishing them on the computer. We also finished our art unit, adding our imagery to our printed backgrounds using different mediums. We finished the week with our class assembly. Although we were really nervous to perform to the school and our adults, we're proud of how it all came together (even with a few technical issues).

Week commencing 20th November

This week, some of the Year 5s took part in Cross Country, they showed great resilience and ambition. We were also joined by students from Rugby School, who delivered a workshop on Stephen Lawrence. 

Week commencing 6th November

In English this week, we were introduced to our WAGOLL about a heist in Manchester and enjoyed learning our text map. In maths, we were learning about equivalent fractions and in science we learnt about how we know the Earth is a sphere. We also inked up our printing plates and created our textured backgrounds.

Week commencing 30th October

We have had a very busy first week back after half term. In maths, we finished our multiplication and division unit, recapping how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000. For Outdoor Learning Day, we took part of our lesson to the playground to report on a sighting of a UFO in Jubilee Woods and interview witnesses. We were excited to start our new science unit 'Earth and Space', where we ordered the planets before choosing one to create a planet fact file. In history, we were able to compare our knowledge on the Romans to the Greeks and looked at how they were similar.

Week commencing 9th October

In English this wee, we wrote our character profiles for a misunderstood animal and then used the laptops to them up ready for display. In maths, we finished our addition and subtraction unit and learnt about gears, levers and pulleys in science, carrying out an experiment using a ruler, rubber and pencil. In art, we created collagraph plates which we will use to print backgrounds after half term.

Week commencing 2nd October

This week in science we have been learning about water resistance and made shapes out of plasticine to see which had the least resistance. In French, we created mashed-up monsters made from different animals and labelled them in French.



Week commencing 25th September

This week in science we learnt about how air resistance can affect objects travelling through the air. We made different paper aeroplanes to find which design had the least resistance. This linked nicely to our shared reading where we were reading about 'How parachutes worked'. In PE, we had a session with Coach Cam where he taught us about Tag Rugby.

Fantastic resources to support learning and homework activities


       Other online resources:

  • Purple Mash - activities and games across the whole curriculum. We will sometimes set homework on Purple Mash, this will appear as a bell on the 'To Do' section.
  • Nrich - We use this site to develop our reasoning and problem solving skills in mathematics. Have a look around and try some of the activities.
  • Scratch - programming website we will be using in computing. Great fun, using blocks to code.
  • Top Marks - great English and Maths games to play at home
  • Splat 100: interactive 100-square
  • Hit the Button: Great for practicing lots of different maths skills
  • Crick Web: Some great games for spellings, grammar and punctuation
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